Linked-360 LinkedIn Audit

Transform Your LinkedIn Strategy with Expert Insights

Is your LinkedIn strategy delivering the results you need? With countless professionals competing for visibility, it’s essential to have a comprehensive approach that goes beyond just a well-crafted profile. That’s where our Linked-360 LinkedIn Audit makes a difference.

In just 30 minutes, our team of LinkedIn experts will guide you through a thorough evaluation of your entire LinkedIn strategy—covering everything from your ideal client profile (ICP) to engagement tactics and multichannel integration. Conducted via a personalized Zoom call, this audit will uncover hidden opportunities, identify strategic gaps, and provide you with 3-5 actionable insights that can immediately enhance your approach to LinkedIn.

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of LinkedIn for your business growth? Schedule your Linked-360 LinkedIn Audit today and start turning connections into clients.

Steps to linkedin audit

step 1. Understanding your ideal client profile (icp)

Do You Know Your Ideal Client?

The first step of our Linked-360 LinkedIn Audit is to determine whether you have effectively defined your Ideal Client Profile (ICP). A successful LinkedIn strategy begins with a clear focus on the right audience.

step 2. optimizing your profile for your ICP

Does Your Profile Speak to Your Ideal Client?

The second step of our Linked-360 LinkedIn Audit is to ensure that your profile functions like a well-crafted funnel, guiding your Ideal Client Profile (ICP) from awareness to action.

step 3. Clarifying Your Offer with the Hormozi Template

Do You Have an Offer That Resonates?

The third step of our Linked-360 LinkedIn Audit is to evaluate the clarity and effectiveness of your offer.

step 4. Integrating CRM and Multichannel Strategy

Are You Leveraging CRM and Multichannel Approaches?

The fourth step of our Linked-360 LinkedIn Audit examines whether you are effectively integrating your LinkedIn efforts with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and a broader multichannel strategy.

step 5. Engaging with Your Ideal Clients

Are You Reaching Out Effectively?

The fifth step of our Linked-360 LinkedIn Audit focuses on evaluating how effectively you are engaging with your Ideal Client Profile (ICP) through LinkedIn.

Tailored Insights For Maximum Impact

Personalized Recommendations and Next Steps

The final step of our Linked-360 LinkedIn Audit is to provide you with a customized roadmap for success on LinkedIn. During our 30-minute Zoom call, our experts will deliver at least 3-5 actionable insights specifically tailored to your business needs. These insights are designed to immediately enhance your LinkedIn strategy, engagement, and overall effectiveness.

But our support doesn’t stop there. Based on the audit findings, we’ll guide you toward the next steps in building a comprehensive LinkedIn strategy through our Linked-360 Suite of Services:

By combining these two suites, we create a powerful, integrated approach that drives both immediate growth and sustained brand authority. This comprehensive strategy positions you to effectively engage your ideal clients, build long-term relationships, and ultimately drive business growth.

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Take the Next Step with Us!

Start with our free Linked-360 LinkedIn Audit to receive your personalized recommendations and discover how our Linked-360 Suite of Services can transform your LinkedIn strategy from reactive to proactive, from ordinary to extraordinary.