Linked-360 Ultimate Social Selling Brand Amplifier


The Linked-360 Ultimate Social Selling Brand Amplifier is designed to build your brand’s long-term authority, visibility, and engagement on LinkedIn. While the Performance Suite focuses on immediate growth, the Brand Amplifier takes your LinkedIn strategy further by establishing you as a thought leader, cultivating an engaged audience, and creating sustained influence. This suite combines various powerful tools to help your brand shine in the LinkedIn ecosystem, ensuring that your message reaches the right people and resonates with them over time.

The Core components of the Brand Amplifier suite

Overview of Services

Customizing Your Brand Amplification

How We Elevate Your Brand with the Amplifier Suite

After the LinkedIn audit, we integrate services from the Brand Amplifier Suite based on your specific needs and long-term goals. Whether it’s building a community through LinkedIn Groups, increasing visibility with Newsletters, or establishing thought leadership through the Top Voice Program, our approach ensures every service aligns with your objectives, positioning your brand for maximum impact and sustained growth.

benefits of the Brand Amplifier Suite

Key Benefits

Increased Visibility

Expand your reach by leveraging multiple LinkedIn channels.

Thought Leadership

Position yourself as a trusted authority in your industry.

Sustained Engagement

Keep your audience actively engaged with content tailored to their interests.

Community Building

Foster deeper connections and loyalty through targeted groups and events.

Enhanced Credibility

Strengthen your brand’s reputation with a consistent, authoritative presence.

Success Stories and Testimonials

Our Brand Amplifier Suite has empowered clients to achieve sustained success on LinkedIn. A consulting firm saw a 70% growth in audience engagement by using LinkedIn Groups and Newsletters. Another client, an emerging industry expert, achieved LinkedIn Top Voice status, significantly increasing their credibility and inbound leads.

Karma Digitalz helped us establish our brand as a thought leader. The Brand Amplifier suite transformed our visibility and engagement.

Take Your Brand to New Heights

Ready to elevate your brand with our Brand Amplifier Suite? Start with a free LinkedIn audit call to discover how we can help you build authority and expand your reach.

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